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Evaluation of Energy related programme outlines
Since 2008, the Federal German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) has been funding climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation programmes in developing and newly industrialising countries through the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The IKI-Secretariat is managed by the non-profit company The Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH.
The 2020 IKI selection process is intended to help on the one hand to cope with the social and economic consequences of the corona pandemic and on the other hand to show how climate protection, adaptation and conservation of biodiversity can contribute to sustainable economic reconstruction. With the motto “Creating Green Societies in challenging times”, the new 13 IKI funding priorities address the current challenges in climate protection and biodiversity conservation and include the particular problems that have arisen from the corona pandemic. Depending on the thematic funding priorities, 5 to 30 million euros are available per project.
Dr. Langniß – Energie & Analyse reviewed six outlines from two thematic funding priorities “Climate-friendly energy transition in the building sector with a focus on heating and cooling” and “Climate protection in maritime transport” with the emphasis on the coherence of the consortium, relevance for country priorities, feasibility, scalability and impact of the project concept, as well as financial efficiency. Additionally, factsheets on the applicant consortia and donor landscape analyses were prepared. The results were presented to the client and a synthesis report submitted.
- Assessment of the programme outlines
- Research on the capacities of the applicants and the donor landscapes
- Presentation of results to the client
- Drawing up the synthesis report
Customer: Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Year: 2021
Intermodal exchange of renewable energy
The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) has announced a scientific research project "Intermodal exchange of renewable energy" in order to develop proposals for the generation and use of renewable energies in the transport infrastructure.
Dr. Langniß Energie & Analyze together with its partners Becker Büttner Held, E&E Consult GbR and Maxsolar GmbH has created a study. It provides concrete solutions for the increased generation and use of renewable energies along the road, rail and waterway transport infrastructure under technical, economic and legal aspects. Best practice examples are analyzed in a national and international context and evaluated using a specially developed criteria catalog. Examples are photovoltaic plants on noise protection walls, highway enclosures, railway stations or parking lots as well as solar thermal plants along roads. The focus of the evaluation is on the derivation of success conditions as well as of difficulties and obstacles in the implementation. Furthermore, suitable business models are developed. Besides the self-supply of federal properties with renewable energies, leeway for direct supply contracts, regional direct marketing and the leasing of areas are being explored. In addition, a management concept is presented that combines these various options under one roof: the management of a separate “Autobahn” balancing group for the federally owned producers and consumers. The legal and regulatory framework for the generation, use and marketing of energy from renewable sources on the “road” mode of transport - including possible obstacles, design options and any necessary changes to the legislative framework - are examined in more detail. Finally, contracts and contract content are described in more detail, which are necessary for the implementation of the selected business models.
The study was presented to the client and ideas for follow-up projects were collected.
- Compiling study content within interdisciplinary team
- Implementation of several workshops to develop the project idea and the business models
- Presentation of the results to clients
- Preparation of the interim reports and the final report
Customer: Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Year: 2021
C/sells – Smart Grids for the Energy System of the Future – project development and deputy project coordination
C/sells as an extensive show case project creates an east-west-solar arc connecting solar energy dominated "energy cells" solar cells with Baden-Wuerttemberg in the center. Due to the high solar generation and the mix of urban and rural areas, Baden-Wuerttemberg is predestined for the project. Furthermore, a diverse interaction pattern provides optimal conditions in order to implement new cooperation models.
In December 2015, C/sells was selected as one out of five demonstration projects within the German Ministry of Economy’s SINTEG (“showcase intelligent energy”) call. The project length is four years starting at January 2017.
Dr. Langniß – Energie & Analyse compiled a consortium with over 60 partners from business and academia. A detailed draft had been developed coordinating the comprehensive input of the partners. The draft presented the project’s content, approach, cost structure and organization with an overall scope of 100 million Euros.
Dr. Langniß – Energie & Analyse coordinated the complex application process of C/sells. Therefore, the draft was consolidated into a full proposal which represents the working basis for the four years of the project.
During the execution of the project, Dr. Langniß – Energie & Analyse is the deputy project coordinator.
- Business development
- Coordination of over 60 partners in the areas of resource planning and content development
- Drafting of the full project proposal
- Experts for Energy Policy and Energy Systems
- Draft development
- Link to public authorities
Customer: Smart Grids-Plattform Baden-Württemberg e.V., Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Karlsruhe (project development phase), EAM GmbH & Co. KG, Kassel (project implementation phase)
2014 - 2015 (draft phase)
2015 - 2016 (application phase)
2016 - 2020 (project phase)
C/sells – Smart Grids for the Energy System of the Future – development of the Blockchain Roadmap
When C/sells was conceived in 2014/2015, blockchain technology was not yet known in the energy sector. However, the technology has advanced rapidly since then. It has the potential to represent a basic technology for a large number of applications in the energy sector. It is therefore advisable to pay more attention to the technology in C/sells as well.
As part of the top-up activity “Blockchain Roadmap”, LEA has set itself the goal of describing blockchain-compatible use cases in the C/sells context and examining the exemplary implementation of “Forgery-proof documentation of flexibility offers”. The resulting study built on the work of the C/sells Blockchain Task Force.
- Description of the blockchain use cases
- Exemplary implementation of a use case
- Networking
- Creation of the result document "Blockchain Roadmap"
Customer: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V.
Year: 2020